
Trail running

I wake up being occupied with my thoughts immediately. Not the way I like to wake up, but it happens sometimes. I’m thinking a lot about work and life lately and about how it’ll be when I’m back home. There are things I’m excited about when going home, like of course seeing my family and friend again or going back to the gym. But there are also things I’m not so much looking forward too. It’ll probably be crazy busy with work and I have quite a lot of catching up to do. But waking up thinking about all that is not how I want to start the day. Fortunately I’ve got a plan for this morning and that’s why I had set the alarm clock at about sunrise.

I want to try out the trail running shoes I bought earlier this week in Missoula. Right in front of my grandparents house is a mountain with many trails, the perfect place for hiking and running. I quickly get dressed and drink some water before I go outside.