
My first week working at Starbucks

I wake up half an hour before my alarm clock. What makes that more impressive is when you know that my alarm clock was set at 5.00AM. Even though I’m feeling excited, I also sense that I’m still a bit tired so I stay in bed until the alarm clock actually goes off. Then I get up and start my morning ritual of making some lemon water in the kitchen. While in the kitchen my mind goes over the things I read last night in the Starbucks partner guide and I repeat the mission statement for myself. ‘To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.’ They want to change the world. Actually, from today I can say: “We want to change the world.” I feel proud. A long time dream will come to realization today. I’m going to work for the brand I love so much. Today is the first day of my training as barista for Starbucks and I’m looking forward to what is to come.

I continue my morning ritual of meditation and working out, taking a shower and having breakfast. Then I get on my bike to the Starbucks store.


A workday on vacation

Today is a workday. The Starbucks opened at 5AM, so when I wake up around six in the morning, I don’t need to wait but I can just start working straight away. It’s still very quiet at this time, but I still put in my headphones, because I can use some motivation. I listen to a couple of motivational videos like I do more often. Their main message is that you create your reality with your own thoughts, something I believe is true. You can’t always choose the situations you get into, but you can determine how you react to it. I think that’s so powerful.

The funny thing is that when I’m working and being completely focussed, I can forget my surroundings and even that I’m on the other side of the world. Like I said the other day I don’t miss my work while I’m here, but fact is that I do enjoy it when I’m doing it.