I start 2022 with business, because on the first of the month I always update my admin, send out invoices and do the necessary taks for my company. It takes me til around noon and then I’m ready to go outside. I take the bus to the beach, because I want to start the year right with a nice run.
It’s a beautiful bright day today, so I first get myself cap so I won’t get a sunburn. It’s clearly a holiday, because the beach is quite busy. Running in the sand is challenging again, but just like last week the first five kilometers are the hardest and then it gets easier. I run al around Mission Beach. It’s a pretty area with beautiful beach houses. The beach is very wide and good to run on. When I’m around I’m at 9,2 kilometers so I push a bit through and make it a 10km run. Good start of the New Year.
Right off the beach is a big ice cream store, so I get myself a delicious reward for the run. The run in itself is actually already a reward, because it almost always makes me feel awesome. The ice cream is also nice on this warm day though.
I text my friend Brittany and a bit later she drops by to hang out for a bit. It’s fun to see her again, has been a while since the last time was before Christmas. She asks me what exciting things I’ve been doing and I can’t think of something specific. I’m just living life here in San Diego as normal as I can and just enjoying being here. Life is just a lot more relaxed by the ocean.
I would like to eat some healthy dinner, but don’t feel like taking the bus to the grocery store for half an hour, so I settle for burgers. There is a Shake Shack around the corner. I think it’s a burger chain from the east coast. I have to say that the food is a bit disappointing, but today it beats a long trip to the grocery store. I’m planning on eating healthier again tomorrow, but also to visit an In-and-out some day, that’s the famous California burger chain, but I haven’t seen any of those around here in San Diego yet. I think that balancing out the American food with a regular run and workouts will make sure I’ll stay a bit in shape during the vacation.
First day of 2022