Nature, Travel

A nice day in snowy Bryce Canyon

I check the weather forecast in the morning and since it’s raining and storming at the Grand Canyon, I decide to skip that this time and drive east to Bryce Canyon. The Grand Canyon is always impressive, but I’m in the luxury position that I’ve seen it several times already and so I’m okay with not going there on this trip.
I have breakfast in my car and then drive to the east exit of Zion, stopping a few times to enjoy the beautiful views. The drive from Zion to Bryce is very pretty with wide views and mountains at the horizon. After about two hours I arrive at Bryce National Park and drive first to the furthest viewing point in the park, Rainbow Point. It’s about a half hour drive and while getting there I’m happily surprised to see snow. I had not expected that, but it gives beautiful views. It reminds me of a few winters ago when I was hiking here. Unlike then I don’t have winter clothes with me this time, so I don’t stay at the top for too long. It’s around freezing temperature here. When I drive back to the main area of the park where it’s a little bit warmer I contact my German friends from yesterday who also planned to go here. We meet up at the Visitor Center when it starts to snow very hard. We think we can’t go on a hike today, but drive to the viewing point anyway. When we arrive there it fortunately stops snowing and we can hike after all. I’ve done this hike before and show them where to go. It’s a bit slippery at the beginning with all the wet snow, but it soon gets better. The nice thing about this weather is that the trail is not so crowded today. I love walking around in the valley of Bryce Canyon, because it’s so quiet there and you’re surrounded by red rocks. The hike takes about two hours and then we say goodbye again. They go camping, but with this weather I prefer to stay at a hotel. Just out of the park is a hotel called Ruby’s Inn and I’ve stayed there before a few years go in winter. Back then there was a huge fireplace at the hotel lobby. The fireplace is still there, but sadly it’s not on now. The guy at the register tells me that it’s closed for the season. I think with this snowy weather they could have better kept it on a few more weeks. The hotel also has an indoor pool and I use that to warm up from the hike. I notice that I’m still quite tired from the past few months that were very busy and also these days are quite intense of course. Therefore I’m glad I can relax here a bit.
In the evening I have dinner at the restaurant next to the hotel and then sit down in the lobby with a book and a chocolate bar I got at the hotel store. Perfect comfort combination. At some point one of the other guests starts to play on a harmonica. I’ve never heard anyone play the harmonica as beautiful as he does and it feels like having a private concert. He keeps on playing for a long time and I’m amazed by his talent. When he leaves I continue reading for a bit longer and then go to bed on time. I’m not sure yet where to go from here, but for now I’m at a good place.

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