
Rainy days are for bookstores

It’s still a bit gray and rainy this morning, but I don’t mind it. I’m really thankful to be here in San Diego. During breakfast I see on my phone that the place I’m renting now will be available again in a few weeks and I decide to book it again for then. I’m instantly super happy that I will stay here again soon.
After breakfast and finishing a few more pieces of the Christmas puzzle I walk to Starbucks to update the blog and send out some e-mails.


Relaxed vacation day

On my second day here in San Diego I wake up around 3am. That’s already half an hour later than yesterday, so I think I’ll slowly get adjusted here. I don’t mind waking up that early actually, because it allows me to finish quite some work before the sun gets up. I help some clients, answer e-mails and call with one of my designer friends about a work project. I am really thankful to have a profession that I like and can do everywhere in the world where there is internet.