It’s another workday today here in San Diego. That’s part of being a modern nomad. Business has to keep going, so I can pay for the vacation. It’s a busy day and I notice that I’m feeling a bit stressed about it all. I call with my dad for some advice and he reminds me to also keep enjoying my time here. It’s good to remember each other to enjoy this day. Life goes fast and vacations even faster, so you better make the most of it. It’s nice to work at Starbucks again where I know a few people now. I meet some more people today that are also working there on their laptops. Halfway the afternoon when I’m tired of looking at my screen I pack my stuff and look at the map to see where I shall go. One of the baristas starts a conversation with me and tells about Ocean Beach and how there are nice coffee places there as well. She even offers me a ride there, because she’s done with work as well and lives in Ocean Beach. Again, I’m amazed by how many friendly people I meet. When I arrive at the coffee place in Ocean Beach called Ocean Coffee Roasters, I see why she liked the place. It’s very big and a lot of young people are hanging out there. I order some tea for a change and work a bit on my bullet journal again. Just before sunset I go outside to walk to the beach. It’s busy there as well, but I manage to take a few nice pictures. When I look up how to get home I see it’s almost 1,5 hours with the bus, so I decide to take an Uber. I pick up some pizza after that and end the day relaxing with pizza, beer and a series. Another day of balancing work with relaxation.
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