
Relaxed Sunday in San Diego

Sunday is a relaxed day, as I like Sundays to be. I start the day with reading a book on the couch and then go for a swim in the pool. My friend is busy in the morning, so I go back to the Copa Vida coffee place to do some writing. While being there I get reminded of what my dad told me before I left on this trip. He said that there is no need to post a blog every day, like I usually do when I’m traveling. He pointed out that posting a blog every day takes at leat an hour of vacation time out of every day. He’s right about that. I love writing, but I think it might also be a good idea to maybe take a different approach to the travel blog this time. Usually I write about almost everything that happens during the day which makes it mainly a log of all activities. I think instead of doing that I can also post a little less frequently and give more an overview of the things happening. Especially since I start my road trip tomorrow and will be in the car a big part of the time. Instead of listing all the songs I’m playing while driving, I think I’ll write more about the whole experience of the adventure.
When I’m done with drinking coffee and writing, I do some groceries and go back home to start packing my bags for the roadtrip. I also quickly try out my new camping cot which is very big and lays really comfortable. Wherever I’ll sleep tomorrow night, at least I’ll have a good bed. There are a lot of bags full of camping gear in my room now, but I can load them in the big rental car tomorrow. We first have a fun activity for the afternoon and go to a mini golf course. Despite loosing big time from my friend, I really enjoy the game and we have a fun time together. After the game I do some more shopping for the road trip and then we go to a burger place in Little Italy for dinner. Brittany hasn’t ridden the scooters here in San Diego yet, so that’s how we decide to go to the restaurant. We have a fun ride through the city and a good dinner. We take a nice walk by the water side back home. It gets dark here a lot earlier than home, sunset is already at 7.30pm. That makes going to bed early also easier, which is a good thing, because tomorrow I get up early for a new adventure.

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