This morning I feel a bit tired for the first time since I’m here. I decide to take it slow, do some laundry and then head to my coffice (coffee place office). It’s nice to to go the same place every morning, because I see familiar people which makes me feel more at home. The weather is beautiful again today, so I don’t stay too long inside and go for a walk through the neighbourhood.
I love watching houses here, because they’re almost all different. Back in the Netherlands most houses look quite the same, which I find a bit boring, but here you have them in many different sizes, shapes an colours. I also like that many roads have palm trees on the sides. The neighborhoods of Hilcrest and Mission Hills are quite hilly which also help to make it pretty neighborhoods. I stop again at another coffee place which has a big terrace outside. This morning I realised that I can already be thankful and really enjoy going to coffee places, because that’s something you can’t currently do in the Netherlands. I’m not writing this to make anyone back home jealous, I’m just really appreciating the privilege of being here. I sit at a terrace, drink coffee and enjoy the view of blue skies and palm trees. Life is good here.
My body is not feeling too well today. I think it’s caused by the drinking water. The first few days I drank water from plastic bottles, but the other day my host told me that filtered tapwater is just as good. I’m now sure that’s not true. It tasted already quite a bit different and I’m guessing it’s not so healthy. So I’ll switch back to plastic water bottles again. I don’t let it ruin my day though and enjoy a nice long walk in the sun through the neighbourhood. At some point I stumble upon a pretty park with a great view over the city. It’s easy again to get my 10.000 steps today. Walking here is nice, because there is a lot to see. I stop by a mall to look for some running shoes, because I’d also like to pick up running soon again. Then I take the bus back to University Heights, a neighbourhood next to the one I’m currently staying. I had looked online for coffee places that are good for working on your laptop. This cafe is called Lestat’s on Park and is very big. There are many tables which are comfortable for working. I get myself a delicious sandwich for lunch, update my blog and look for some more apartments for the coming time. I walk back home and end the day with cooking a simple, but healthy dinner of sweet potatoes, spinach and fish. I love typical American food, like burgers and pizza’s, but do my best to also eat healthy when I’m here so I’ll stay healthy.
Discovering the neighborhood