Nature, Travel

Arches and Telluride

After a bit restless night I wake up at 6am by my alarm clock. I see that it’s already getting a bit light outside, that’s earlier than at the west cost last week. I get dressed and drive to Arches national park, which is only about twenty minutes away from where I camped.

Nature, Travel

A nice day in snowy Bryce Canyon

I check the weather forecast in the morning and since it’s raining and storming at the Grand Canyon, I decide to skip that this time and drive east to Bryce Canyon. The Grand Canyon is always impressive, but I’m in the luxury position that I’ve seen it several times already and so I’m okay with not going there on this trip.

Nature, Travel

Hiking to Angels Landing at Zion

My client meeting in the morning goes well and after that I enjoy breakfast at the hotel. I like hotel breakfasts as they usually have quite some choice for what you want to eat. I start a bit healthy with yoghurt and granola and then finish it off with some waffels (that you can bake yourself), sausage and scrambled eggs. That’ll be enough fuel to go on the hike.


50.000 steps in Glacier National Park

Today is an exciting day, because I go on an adventure again. After visiting Montana many times in the last years I finally go to Glacier National Park, which is closed most of the year. Also now it’s not fully open yet. They’re still removing snow from the roads, but at least I can go visit. When I drive out of Helena, I can’t help but feeling sad. I know I’ll come back here tomorrow, but also that I’ll leave for a longer time at the end of the week. I thought about leaving here on Friday, but I now decide I’ll stay until Saturday. I am an experienced traveler, but still I’m not good in leaving people and places behind.

When I drive out of town and in the direction of the mountains, I turn on some music and start feeling better. I just can’t believe this journey is almost over. It has been five weeks now, but it sure feels a lot longer. I’ve seen so many beautiful places and met so many wonderful people.


North Cascades National Park

When I wake up it’s already starting to become light. I open the back door of my car while I stay in my bed. Now it feels even more like camping, because I can hear and smell nature from my mobile home. The visitor center opens in about an hour, so I have to wait a bit if I want to go there. Since I’m on a campsite I realize I can my my own coffee on the stove. That’ll be a good start of the day. It’s nice to be in adventure mode again, but it just takes some adjustment from waking up surrounded by loving people to waking up alone. I remember what my grandma often tells me: you are never alone. And that’s true. I’ve got many friends back home in the Netherlands and here in America. The other day I realized that I don’t feel like going back to the Netherlands yet, though it will be nice to see my friends and family again.

While making my coffee this morning I suddenly start to see how someone like Ana can travel around for three years. Of course it’s not an easy life, but it’s a free life. No office you need to go to every day, no obligations at all. You work for a while to get some money and then you travel further.


Olympic National Park

For the second time in two days I say goodbye to Darin’s family and start driving again. Today in the direction of Olympic National Park. I head West first back to my favorite road, Highway 101. I stop by one of the beaches, but after Secret Beach earlier this week the beach here fails to impress me a lot. I’ve noticed that I’m dealing with what I would call nature satisfaction. I remember that from my first trip in America. After having seen the most beautiful places the last couple of weeks it’s just harder to be impressed by new nature. It’s still great, but that wow-effect can wear off. At some point you can just get used to beautiful nature. Having that written and being aware of this fact, I enjoy the rest of the ride. Especially when the road goes by a big mountain lake.

At the beach I discover that I can’t find my favorite vest. For a moment I think it’s a bummer and then I have to laugh.


Mt Raineer National Park

Today it’s time to pack my bag again and travel further. I’d love to stay longer with this lovely family, but there are more places to go and more people to see. I say goodbye to the children when they go to school and then hang out with Darin for a while longer and talk more about life. Darin is good in reading people, seeing how they really are. I ask him what he sees when he looks at me. He tells me the exact same thing as another spiritual man told me on the ferry from the South Island to the North Island of New Zealand. Things about my character and the path I’m on in life. I’m impressed and keep things in mind. In some way this is again an adventurous journey as also a spiritual journey. That’s one of the things I love about traveling, you learn a lot about yourself and life as you travel to new places and meet new people.

I say goodbye to Darin and hope to see him soon again in the Netherlands.

Nature, Uncategorized

Redwoods National Park

It’s Sunday morning and I like to start the day with some creative things. When I was at the Barnes and Nobles about two weeks ago I bought a book about calligraphy and some brush pens. I figure that this morning is a good time to practice a bit with that. I also update my travel bullet journal and practice my drawing skills. These creative things are a bit out of my comfort zone in sense that I still have to learn it all, but I really enjoy doing it. Time goes by very quickly and it’s already eleven o’clock when I start driving to Redwoods National Park.

Just before noon I arrive at the visitor and get a permit to drive to Giant Trees trail. I ask why you need a permit and the lady tells me that’s because it is about an hour driving to get there and they want to sure there is enough parking space for the people visiting. I also ask her about the bear warning sign I saw yesterday.


A little piece of paradise

Today is an exciting day, because I get to visit an place where I wanted to go for a long time. Big Sur state park. It’s a bay at the Pacific coast with a waterfall, a very scenic place. The last time that I drove here I missed it and also this time I have to pay attention to find it. It’s just one small bay next to the road without signs, so you need to know that it’s there to find it. Fortunately I have my navigation system to help me.

When I arrive I take a short hike and enjoy the view. It really is as beautiful as on the pictures. What also calls my attention immediately is the fresh air here. There are few places I’ve been with such a fresh smell.


Sequoia Tree National Park

When I tell people that I’m sleeping in my car, they often ask me if I’m not afraid. In general I’m not, though I try to be cautious where I park my car. Yesterday I parked near North Hollywood Metro station. It was a bit of a shady area, with quite some dodgy looking people and police on the streets. I didn’t write it at the end of yesterday’s story, because my mom is reading this too and I don’t want her to worry unnecessarily. All went well of course, because you’re reading this, though sleeping at those places can be a bit scary. I just check twice that the doors are locked before I go to sleep and usually park at a clear place like under a street light. As I said, all went well and I wake up again when it gets light outside. Part of me still doesn’t want to leave Los Angeles, but I know it’s time to move on.

I drive North in the direction of Sequoia Tree National Park. It starts out with functional driving on the Innerstate, because it’s about four to five hours driving. Then at some point Google Maps leads me to some smaller roads and the recreational driving starts.