
Back in the Netherlands

It’s Friday morning and I’m almost back home for a week now. I’m hesitant to call it home, because I’m not sure where that exactly is. For now I’m living here, so I guess I can call it home for the time being. The other day I was thinking about how I miss the writing when I’m here. It’s just that here in Utrecht is my ‘normal’ life and that it feels less adventurous, not giving me as much creative input for writing as when I’m traveling. Nevertheless, I want to do an attempt to write about my first week back.


Hollywood once more

I wake up just before the sun comes over the mountains and enjoy the peaceful view. When I try to get dressed I notice how my camper car is slowly becoming quite messy and I’m getting a bit annoyed by that I can’t find my socks. After searching for a while, I give up and decide to drive to Walmart to get a few new pairs. Haha, I’m thankful that Walmart is everywhere here. The drive to the nearby city is very beautiful and goes through hills covered by trees.


Among the giants

This morning I’m taking it easy. The hike I want to do today is only half an hour driving away, so while the sun is coming up I pack my stuff and clean out the campsite. I drive to Sequoia national park, one of my favorites. It’s still early when I arrive and there are only a few cars in the parking place. I’m happy about that and enjoy my breakfast before I start the hike.


Yosemite National Park

After the usual struggle with packing the tent I drive to the nearby town to go online for a moment and post my blog. The sunrise over the nearby lake is beautiful and I text with a friend back home for a while. When he sends me photo of the cloudy weather in the Netherlands I instantly realize how I’m not missing that at all.


Through the desert to the mountains

As I drive out of Boise, I can’t help but feel a bit like waking up from a happy dream. There is always so much laugher and happiness with my Hufford friends that it takes me a while to adjust to being alone again. While driving through the city I see the supermarkets we went to together and the waterpark we spend a whole day in the weekend and good memories come back. I wish I could have stayed longer, but it’s time to back.


Fun days with the Huffords

When I’m at the Hufford’s house, I’m always treated as one of the family. We hang around at the house, eat together, play games and just have a fun time. I take care of the supply of ice cream and also cook a meal here and there. Even though the two oldest girls of the family have moved out to their own house last year, they still stop by every day to spend time with their family. Everyone here is really close with each other and that’s very nice.


Montana to Idaho

On Thursday it’s finally time to continue traveling. The last weeks of the adventure have started and it’s time to head back towards California. In the morning I have breakfast with grandma and Josh and he also makes me a delicious smoothie for on the road.


Happy days with grandma

The days with grandma are always very relaxed, I’m quite at home at her place. In the mornings I work a few hours before she gets up and then we usually have breakfast together. Some days we go to the coffee place Vanilla Bean for breakfast, coffee or a game of Scrabble. Most evenings we watch our favorite comedy show ‘Last Man Standing’ until bedtime. The days fill themselves with several fun activities.


Visiting grandma

I wake up early, still feeling a bit tired from last night. Outside I can hear birds and squirrels around the tent. I go outside and break down my tent. Thankfully now at the third time I manage to pack the tent in one go. When the tent is in the bag I see a strip on the bottom of the back with the text “Remove to expand bag”. I laugh and wonder why I hadn’t noticed that before.