
A little piece of paradise

Today is an exciting day, because I get to visit an place where I wanted to go for a long time. Big Sur state park. It’s a bay at the Pacific coast with a waterfall, a very scenic place. The last time that I drove here I missed it and also this time I have to pay attention to find it. It’s just one small bay next to the road without signs, so you need to know that it’s there to find it. Fortunately I have my navigation system to help me.

When I arrive I take a short hike and enjoy the view. It really is as beautiful as on the pictures. What also calls my attention immediately is the fresh air here. There are few places I’ve been with such a fresh smell.



When the garage man arrives this morning he looks at my tire and says “This is not good”. Yeah, like that wasn’t obvious yet. But it isn’t good at all. He can’t fix the tire, so I have to get a new one. The nearest tire shop is about 45 minutes away, so what we’ll do is fill my broken tire with air and see how far I can go. Fortunately I find a mobile pump in the back of my car, so I can pump it up again on the way if I need to. I call the tire shop and they tell me they can have the right tire for me around noon. Then I can call the rental company and they have good news: they cover the costs of a new tire. That is the reason why I almost always rent with Hertz. Their service is great and I’m glad that also this time they’re here for me.

Since I still have a couple of hours to wait I drive to a restaurant next to a river and sit down to have a coffee, check my email and update my blog. Even though yesterday was beautiful, I’m a little less excited now about the pictures of Sequoia National Park. I think it’ll all come back when I got my car fixed and ready to continue on the road trip again.


Sequoia Tree National Park

When I tell people that I’m sleeping in my car, they often ask me if I’m not afraid. In general I’m not, though I try to be cautious where I park my car. Yesterday I parked near North Hollywood Metro station. It was a bit of a shady area, with quite some dodgy looking people and police on the streets. I didn’t write it at the end of yesterday’s story, because my mom is reading this too and I don’t want her to worry unnecessarily. All went well of course, because you’re reading this, though sleeping at those places can be a bit scary. I just check twice that the doors are locked before I go to sleep and usually park at a clear place like under a street light. As I said, all went well and I wake up again when it gets light outside. Part of me still doesn’t want to leave Los Angeles, but I know it’s time to move on.

I drive North in the direction of Sequoia Tree National Park. It starts out with functional driving on the Innerstate, because it’s about four to five hours driving. Then at some point Google Maps leads me to some smaller roads and the recreational driving starts.


Universal Studios

I didn’t sleep so well last night, probably because driving in Los Angeles before going to bed was quite intense. Nevertheless I feel rested when I wake up around eight in the morning. I get dressed and brush my teeth while thinking about what to do today. Then I see a friendly guy walking his dog and I ask him for advice. He tells me that Universal Studios might also be fun to visit and he also shows me where to take the tram to downtown. I’m not sure yet what I’ll do today, but the tram goes by Universal so I can still decide on my way there.

I drive to the Hollywood North metro station and park my car. I decide that I go to Universal Studios in the morning and then see what the day will bring.


Warner Brothers studios

When I woke up this morning, I didn’t know this day would be so exciting. As I’m writing this, I’m sitting in Central Perk, the coffee place from friends. But let’s start at the beginning of the day.

I wake up around six o’clock when one of the guys goes outside for surfing. I grab my laptop and update my blog. Then I take a shower and drink a cup of coffee. The nice thing about being on a road trip is that you appreciate simple things like a shower much more. When I’ve packed my bag and said goodbye to me friends, I start driving downtown via highway 1.


Highway 101

When you’re on a road trip there are two kinds of driving. Functional driving and recreational driving. Functional driving is to get from one place to another and recreational driving is just because of the beauty of the ride. Last days was quite a bit of functional driving to get to the west coast as soon as possible, but today is totally recreational.

Around sunrise I wake up. I walk to the beach, brush my teeth and start driving again. After about fifteen minutes I see a Starbucks and stop there to update the blog and to do some work.


Joshua Tree National Park

The sun is already high in the sky and it’s getting warm outside when I wake up around seven o’clock. It’s clear that I’m in a different area now. I freshen myself up, get a coffee and also fuel up the car. In the desert you don’t want to be without gas, so I make sure my tank is completely full before I hit the road. It’s about one and half hours from here to Joshua Tree National Park and then a few more hours to San Diego. It’s already very warm early in the morning, so today I can wear my shorts again. I like it that I’ve crossed so many different landscapes and weather types in just over a week. Snow and rain yesterday, a dry hot dessert today.

It’s nice and warm in Joshua Tree National Park, but no extremely hot fortunately. It’s mainly a road through a big dessert. At the first stop there is a garden and cactuses.


Another day of train riding

The great thing about parking next to a hotel is that you can use the facilities like the restroom when you need them. I woke up a few times last night, maybe because it was snowing again and quite cold. When I wake up around 5.30AM it’s light outside and I decide it’s time start the day. I get dressed and walk to the hotel lobby where I sit down with a book next to the fireplace, a great start of the day.

I remember from yesterday that there was a wooden desk upstairs in the lobby, so I walk upstairs and sit down behind the desk to write in my journal for a moment. Around seven o’clock I walk to the restaurant. I liked the breakfast so much yesterday that I decided to have it one more time.


Riding the Grand Canyon train

It’s nice to sleep in a bed and have a shower again. I don’t sleep in though, because I’ve got some work to do this morning. I wake up early to work and hope I’ll have time to also hit the gym. Unfortunately when I’m finished with the things I had to do, it’s time for breakfast already. I pack my bags and walk to the same restaurant as last night. There is a big breakfast buffet with yoghurt, fruit, pancakes, eggs and bacon and a lot more. I eat it all in that order and talk with some people.

After breakfast it’s time to go outside where there is a cowboy show before we get on the train. It’s very funny and we laugh a lot. Just before I get on the train I run back to my car to exchange my shorts for my jeans, because it’s much colder today. I run back to the train and go aboard.


Back at the Grand Canyon

In Arizona it’s one hour earlier, so I wake up somewhere in the middle of the night again. I try to go back to sleep, but I can’t and so I get dressed and start driving. Driving at night is peaceful, because you’re alone at the road. You also have to stay alert though, for deer and other animals. After about three hours driving I arrive at the Grand Canyon. For a moment I’m afraid that my expectations are so high from the last time that it might disappoint, but that is absolutely not the case. As soon as I see the canyon, I’m blown away again. The view of the Grand Canyon is so spectacular, you have to see it yourself.

When I arrive at the first view point there is only one guy there. His name is Mike and he came here hitchhiking. We talk with each other and then get the idea to do some rock climbing to the edge. Of course we are very careful.